產品特點(Product Features):
1、功率范圍:50W-3KW 1、Power Range:50W-3KW
2、工作電壓:≤1.2KV 2、Voltage Range:≤1200V
3、額定阻值范圍:1Ω-10KΩ 3、Resistance Range:1Ω-10KΩ
4、耐壓范圍:AC3KV 50HZ/5S 4、Dielectric Strength:AC3KV 50HZ/5S
5、IP等級:IP00 5、IP Protection:IP00
6、優勢:可做高壓等級 6、Advantage:High Voltage Application
7、劣勢:抗震性較差 7、Disadvantage:Less Vibration
產品介紹(Product Profile):
RPSD 系列滑動電阻器采用的是用陶瓷管作為支架 上固定兩個端子,然后把合金電阻絲繞在上面,在中 間裝上滑動管箍,在涂絕緣材料的中間空出一部分。 該產品主要應用于設備調速、設備控制、發電機放電 等領域。
RPSD Series of products adopt sliding resistor is used as the ceramic tube is fixed on the bracket two terminals, and then the alloy resistance wire is wound on the top, in the
middle is arranged on the sliding hoop, coated with an insulating material in the middle is empty part. The products are mainly applied to speed control equipment,equipment, generator discharge field.
產品識別碼(Product Identification Code)

備注:H=3% J=5% K=10%